Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gearing-Up-For-Fall Baking

I've been on a baking spree lately. I think it's the fact that fall is getting closer and that definitely puts me in baking mode.  All but the cheesecake recipe was found on Pinterest.  Oh, Pinterest, how I love thee! 

First, I made Mini Pumpkin Spice Donuts. These are so very good and are even better in the morning with a cup of coffee!  The bad thing is that they're so tiny so you find yourself eating more than one..or a dozen!
copy 01-21

Next is Pumpkin Snickerdoodles.  Just the name is perfection!  A slightly crunchy cinnamon/sugar coating on the outside and a soft pumpkin-y inside.  Oh, yes.  So good!
copy 02-17

I made this Angel Food Cake as requested by my brother for his birthday. He's watching what he eats so he wanted something that was a bit healthier than normal. I'd have to say that he made a good choice.  This was the first time I made an Angel Food Cake from scratch.  It sounded a bit intimidating but I have to say that it was easier than I thought it would be.  And so yummy, too!  JJ kept calling it the marshmallow cake because it was light and fluffy like a marshmallow. That description sounds pretty good to me!
copy 09-11-12-AngelFoodCake1

This Simple Cheesecake is a result of my prego cravings. I've been needing a cheesecake for weeks and a freezer cheesecake from the grocery store just wouldn't do (yuck!) so I decided this past Saturday night to bake a cheesecake so we could have it for dessert on Sunday.  The problem with cheesecakes is that there is no immediate satisfaction.  You've got to wait!  But it is so worth it.  It turned out creamy and delicious and perfect!
copy 03-16

1 comment:

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Okay, you're KILLING me with all these sweets here - haha! They all sound amazing! Cannot wait to try some of them. Thanks so much for linking up! :)


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