Friday, October 12, 2012

Just JJ

Most of my posts lately have been about baby #2 and about my Dad. I figured it's way past time to do a post about my first baby boy.
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 Playing outside in the rain.

For 4 1/2 years he's been my one and only and all-too-soon his little brother will be here and he won't be the child in my life.  He'll be one of 2 precious children in my life.  I cannot imagine what that will be like.  I know having a brother will be so good for JJ and I'm so excited to see the 2 of them together for the very first time but I can't help but be a little saddened by the fact that JJ won't be my only baby anymore.  How bittersweet it is.
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He finally wore himself out and fell asleep on the bathroom floor.

He is such a spunky little guy and so full of life.  If I could only have 1/4 of the energy that he does I'd have a spotless house, would weigh 15 pounds less, and would get 3 times more things done!  To say that he is energetic is putting it mildly.  If he slept 12 hours a night, had a 2 hour nap every day and ate 5 tablespoons of pure sugar I could understand the energy but my little guy is on an all natural energy high.  Every day.  All day.  From the minute he wakes up to the minute he goes to bed (and he only sleeps 9 hours a night) he is going non stop.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, this next little guy will be a little more calm and laid back than his big brother.  :-)
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Helping Mommy paint letters for the nursery. 

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My sweet JJ is such a great joy and light in my life.  Even though he may wear me out and drive me crazy at times I absolutely, positively cannot imagine my life without him.  He is a good boy with a good heart and a big love for his Mommy and Daddy.  How beautiful and precious he is to me.  I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be this amazing little boys mother.
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