Saturday, July 21, 2012

21 Weeks

I was officially 21 weeks on Monday but since my Dad went to Heaven that day, I never got around to taking a weekly picture (it was the last thing on my mind).  I'm big though.  Trust me.  :)

Baby's size? Baby is the size of a pomegranate, measures 10 1/2 inches head to toe and weighs 12.7 ounces.
Weight Gain? My last appointment showed that I've finally gained some weight. 4 ounces.
Maternity clothes? Oh, yes. I've been out of my regular clothes for quite some time. I live in tank tops right now.
Stretch marks? Nope. I never got any when I was pregnant with JJ and I'm hoping I don't this time, either! Belly Button in or out? In.
Sleeping? Sleeping is still pretty easy for me and I can usually breathe through my nose.
Foods I am loving? Dr. Pepper is (unfortunately) sounding better to me daily.  I'm trying to limit myself though and not have it every day.  I haven't had any real cravings yet.
Foods I'm hating? Only thing that makes my stomach churn is Chicken Express.  Yuck!
Movement? I feel movement daily. It's so exciting!
Best moment this week? I wouldn't say there was one this week.
Symptoms? My belly is my main symptom. Losing my breath easily is another. Just standing sometimes makes me breathless.
Gender? We are having another boy. I was initially disappointed but I know that I will adore this sweet boy and will fall deeply in love with him the minute I hold him in my arms.
What I miss? My Daddy.
What I'm looking forward to? Coming up with a name! We have decided that this baby is going to have my Dad's name somewhere in his.  We just haven't figured it out exactly yet.
Milestones? I'm halfway through!
Emotions? The joy of pregnancy has been overshadowed by my grief of losing Dad. I can't help but be incredibly sad all the time. I look forward to finding happiness again.


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