Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Time To Decorate!

This past weekend we got the Christmas decorations put up. It required rearranging the whole living room but I absolutely love this set up so much better than what we usually have. I put up everything but the tree ornaments. It took me a few days but I think I've decided to leave the ornaments in the boxes this year. I'm thinking life will be much easier this month without having to keep Jack from tearing the tree apart. The tree is very pretty with just lights and a tree topper but instead of leaving it bare I decided to make it our Christmas card tree. I can't wait to see it filled up with all of the cards we get! Once we have a bigger house I'd love to always have a 2nd tree designated as our card tree. The boys had fun "helping" put the tree and decorations up. I have to admit that the thought did cross my mind to wait until they were in bed to put it all up. ha! But I know JJ would have been sad to miss out on the experience and I know we're creating memories here.  photo 11-30-131_zpscea01cf5.jpg  photo 1c33d49d-4197-42ea-977d-c188ca128ccc_zps3f46ada1.jpg  photo 11-30-137_zps0e924bdc.jpg

Every year I look forward to getting the Christmas decorations put up and I always imagine the June Cleaver experience.  Christmas music, the smell of cookies baking in the oven, joyful laughter of children, blah, blah, blah.  Instead, I end up frazzled and stressed out over the chaos and mess that has become my house. I really need to learn to relax and just let things flow. The perfectionist in me (thanks, Dad!) has a really hard time letting that happen. Everything has to be put in just the right spot, everything has to match, and everything has to be "perfect".  And if it isn't, it drives. me. CRAZY!  I know, I know. I need to get over it. Easier said than done. At least I realize it's a problem! ha!  photo 11-30-1310_zps30b3f749.jpg  photo 11-30-1314_zpsfa836434.jpg  photo copyIMGP3041_zps9c767731.jpg

I love the finished product. It's simple but cozy and just how I like it! Ignore the bottom of the tree. The bottom section of lights died last night and I haven't gotten new ones yet. You can see where I've got the cards pinned to the tree. I'm so excited to see it full of cards!
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I've kept the back wall decorations pretty simple as well. This is where all the Santa pictures go. I'm quickly running out of room. I'll be needing a bigger table soon!  photo 07_zps7ec2973f.jpg

I'm very happy with my cozy, simple decorations. The glow of the lights and the sparkle of the glitter adds to the sweetness of being surrounded by precious memories.

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