Well, I've been awake all night (literally) and this time JJ has nothing to do with it. I just can't sleep. For some unknown, crazy, ridiculous reason my brain won't shut off. So, I'm going to catch up on my blog.
We've had an unusual Oklahoma winter this year. So far we've had 2 snow/ice storms. Being from the North, I
love all of the snow! The ice? Not so much. That's what makes everything miserable. It means we get to spend days stuck in the house. I guess it's worth it to me though if it means we get snow! I decided to try my hand at a few snowy pictures to see how they turned out. Not great, but not so bad either. Here are a few pictures from our snowy, wintry days.
This is the shed in our back yard when it first started snowing.
We decided to venture out at one point so Hubby could return some library books. I took advantage of the photo op. I never noticed this ballerina in front of the library before but it caught my eye that afternoon.
Our dogs love snow, too. They loved being outside and playing in it.
Here's our shed towards the end. Isn't it pretty?
I truly enjoy the peaceful, quiet feeling snow brings. I may have lived in the South most of my life but I was born and raised in the North and that comes with a natural love of snow. I can't help it. It's in my blood.