Sunday, November 28, 2010

JJ and His "Two"

Now that we are in the holiday season our family has been doing a lot of shopping lately - food, gifts, clothes, decorations, and anything else that comes up.  JJ has been tagging along each time and almost always does so well.  One day last week JJ and I were out shopping at Hob Lob with my parents for some decorations for their house.  My dad gave him a big fuzzy dog to carry around the store while we shopped.  JJ behaved so well that my Dad decided JJ needed to take the dog home with him (like he needs an excuse to buy something for JJ! haha!).  We asked JJ several times that night, and several times since then, what his dog's name is.  Each time he said "Two!".  So, "Two" it is.  JJ loves his doggie and sleeps with him every night.  Here is JJ's new friend...

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